In this section of the Genographic Project work, we will provide an overview of the research conducted in the Northwest Territories between 2008-12.

A map of the Northwest Territories showing the locations where field research was conducted with First Nations and Inuvialuit peoples.


We would like to express our enormous gratitude for the collaboration and participation of Gwich’in, Inuvialuit and Tłįchǫ and other First Nations individuals from the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, and Alaska Native individuals. This study was successfully undertaken because of the involvement of a number of individuals from First Nations and other organizations in the Northwest Territories. Accordingly, the authors would like to thank the Gwich’in Tribal Council, including President Richard Nerysoo and Vice-President Mary Ann Ross; the Gwichya Gwich’in Council and Chief Fredrick (Sonny) Blake; the Tetl’it Gwich’in Council and Chief Wilbert Firth; the Edhiitat Gwich’in Council and Chief Mildred Edwards; the Nihtat Gwich’in Council and Chief Herbert Blake; and the Gwich’in Social Cultural Institute. We would also like to thank the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, including Chair and CEO Nellie Cournoyea and COO Roger Connelly; the Community Corporations in Aklavik, Inuvik, Paulatuk, Sachs Harbour, Tuktoyaktuk, and Ulukhaktok (Holman); their chairs, Carol Arey, Duane Smith, Gilbert Thrasher, Sr., Manny Kudlak, Robert B. Gruben, and Colin Okheena, respectively; and administrators Floyd Lennie, Donna Keogak, Lena Kotokak, Laverna Klengenberg, and Terry Thrasher. In addition, we thank the Tlicho First Nation government and Grand Chief Joe Rabesca; the Tłįchǫ Community governments, including Chief Clifford Daniels from Behchokò, Chief Alfonz Nitsiza from Whatì, Chief Charlie Football from Wekweètì, and Chief Edward Chocolate from Gamètì; Tłįchǫ Community administrators Mary Adele Football and Shirley Beaverho; and the Tłįchǫ Community Services Authority, including Kyle Kelly and Wendy Mantla. We are greatly appreciative of the support of the Aurora Research Institute, especially Paulo Flieg and Jonathon Michel, the past and present Managers of Scientific Services, and the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, especially Glen MacKay, past Director Chuck Arnold, and current Director Barbara Cameron.

Laboratory of Molecular Anthropology
University of Pennsylvania
421 University Museum
3260 South Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6398
Tel: 215-573-2656