Chesapeake Genetic History Project

In this project, we are working with Dr. Raquel Fleskes to investigate the way that contemporary human genetic diversity has been shaped by historical period migrations of European and African descended persons to the Chesapeake Bay region (Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware) of the United States, and, in turn, how biological kinship may have influenced these migration patterns.

Avery’s Rest

Smithsonian and Archaeological Society of Delaware crew excavating burials at Avery’s Rest. Photo credit: Dan Griffith, Archaeological Society of Delaware, Inc.

Genetic Diversity in Chesapeake Descendant Communities

Photo caption



More Information

For a fuller description of this research, please visit the website for the 17th Century Chesapeake Ancestry ProjectLink

Laboratory of Molecular Anthropology
University of Pennsylvania
421 University Museum
3260 South Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6398
Tel: 215-573-2656