HPV & Cervical Cancer in Argentina
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Research Team at San Montoya Clinic
From left-to-right: Dr. XXXX XXXXX,; Dr. J.B. Zinovich, Dr. Ines Badano, and Dr. Sergio Tonon. Photo Credit: T.G. Schurr.

San Montoya Clinic, Posadas Province
Froadsfasjdfaj ‘odfjas ‘jdfas dojfas. Photo Credit: T.G. Schurr.

XXX XXXX, San Montoya Clinic Administrator
Photo Credit: T.G. Schurr.

Front Desk, San Montoya Clinic
Photo Credit: T.G. Schurr.

Ines Badano Preparing Sampling Materials
Photo Credit: T.G. Schurr.

Examination Room, San Montoya Clinic
Photo Credit: T.G. Schurr.

Dr. Tonon with Colposcopic Equipment
Photo Credit: T.G. Schurr.

Guarani Women with Their Children
Photo Credit: T.G. Schurr.

Dr. Zinovich with Sanitario from XXX Village
Photo Credit: T.G. Schurr.
Badano I, Stietz S, Schurr TG, Picconi A, Fekete D, Quintero I, Cabrera M, Campos R, Liotta J. 2012. Analysis of TNF-a promoter SNPs and the risk of cervical cancer in urban populations of Posadas (Misiones, Argentina). J Clin Virol 53: 54-59. Link
Badano I, Schurr TG, Stietz SM, Dulik MC, Mampaey M, Quintero IM, Zinovich JB, Campos RH, Liotta DJ. 2013. TNF promoter SNP variation in Amerindian and white-admixed populations from Misiones, Argentina. Internatl J Immunogenet 40: 216-221. Link
Badano I, Totaro ME, Culasso ACA, Sanabria DJ, Schurr TG, Balette IC, Roisman A, Basiletti J, Picconi MA, Campos RH, Domingo LJ. 2015. Genetic characterization and clinical implications of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) variants from northeastern Argentina. Infect Genet Evol 29: 103-105. Link
Badano I, Sanabria DJ, Totaro ME, Rubinstein S, Liotta DJ, Picconi MA, Campos R, Schurr TG. 2018. mtDNA background, HPV infection and the risk of cervical cancer in a multiethnic population of northeastern Argentina. PLoS ONE 13(1): e0190966. Link
Sanabria DJ, Mojsiejczuk LN, Torres C, Meyer AG, Mbayed VA, Liotta DJ, Campos RH, Schurr TG, Badano I. 2019. Genetic diversity of the JC polyomavirus (JCPyV) genetic diversity and mitochondrial DNA ancestry in Misiones, Argentina. Infect Genet Evol 75: 104011. Link
Totaro ME, Gili JA, Liotta JD, Schurr TG, Picconi MA, Badano I. 2022. Genetic variation in the E6 and E7 genes of human papillomavirus type 16 in northeastern Argentina. J Med Virol 94: 745‐751. Link
Sanchez-Fernandez, C, Bolatti EM, Culasso ACA, Chouhy D, Kowalewski MM, Stella EJ, Schurr TG, Rinas MA, Liotta DJ, Campos RH, Giri AA, Badano I. 2022. Identification and evolutionary history of two novel papillomavirus sequences in New World monkeys (spp. Sapajus and Alouatta) from Argentina. Arch Virol 167: 1257-1268. Link
Pereson MJ, Sanabria DJ, Mojsiejczuk LN, Torres C, Liotta DJ, Campos RH, Schurr TG, Di Lello FA, Badano I. 2023. Evolutionary analysis of JC polyomavirus provides new insights into the diversity of Misiones’ population. Virology 585:100-108. Link
More Information
Universidad Nacional de Misiones: https://www.unam.edu.ar
Laboratory of Molecular Anthropology
University of Pennsylvania
421 University Museum
3260 South Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6398
Tel: 215-573-2656